
Malta week 19

Dear Readers,

Unfortunately, this will be my last blog update. This 20 weeks went insanely quick, at first I didn't know if this company was made for me, but after 1 week when I had more experience, it started getting better, my colleagues were nicer and so on. I can't imagine how my life on School in the Netherlands will look like by now. Special thanks to my colleagues, for helping me and teaching me a lot of things.

Not only my work was perfect, also Malta itself, especially the organisation where I volunteered, as a organisor. I've met so incredibly many people here in Malta, that it will be hard to go back to the Netherlands. 

On the other hand, I am glad I started this adventure, because I didn't want to miss this. 

This week was going incredibly hard, especially because I know I am leaving soon.

I am going to enjoy the last 2 days. And on Friday there will be a party and we are having dinner with my friends.

I want to thank all, for reading it every week.

Don't worry, I'll come back in the Summer Holidays. 

Best wishes,





You have done very well...I am very proud of you!!! See you soon.

Lia Slappendel

Mooi afscheid toegewenst en tot in BoZ
Was leuk om je ervaringen te lezen Rik!!


You may be sad to leave Malta and the people you’ve met but I am happy to have you back home again. Xxx

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