
Malta week 5

Dear Dutchies and colleagues,

This is already the end of week 5.

This was an amazing week, since a colleague went to the Czech Republic for holiday, I had to do most of the work myself, which was not a really big problem, since the shipment wasn't that big this week, so I was able to finish it on Thursday.

Thursday we went to a restaurant with the whole team for Christmas Dinner, which was really nice in my opinion, since I got to know my colleagues better. The food was delicious, we started with some Maltese appetizers, after that we got a Pasta and when we completed this we got the main course, and mine was Chicken breast fillet. Finally we got a dessert, which is called Helwa tat-Tork, which is really strange for most people from foreign Countries, since it taste really sweet and salty at the same time, because of the Sesame seeds.

Today we were off, as preparation of the Christmas.

This was it for this week.

See you next week.



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